Wir sind stolz, dass wir seit heute, den 01.03.2019 Michael Boge als neuen CFO bei Cashare begrüssen dürfen. In dieser Funktion ist er zuständig für die Entwicklung des Geschäftes mit Institutionellen Anlegern.

In his nearly 20-year career in the financial industry, Michael Boge has gained experience in lending, private banking, asset management, operations as well as risk controlling.
After studying biology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and completing a doctorate at the University of Lausanne, he joined Credit Suisse as a management consultant. After a move to UBS, where he was product manager for Lombard loans, Michael Boge became investment controller and deputy head of operations at Bank Wegelin & Co. Subsequently, the German-Swiss dual citizen was Head of Fund Management at 1741 Asset Management and thus also responsible for the Luxembourg and Liechtenstein locations. In Private Banking at Notenstein La Roche Privatbank, Michael was subsequently COO of the Market Head.
Michael Boge has completed the Executive Program of the Swiss Finance Institute and is a Swiss Fund Officer.
Das ganze Cashare-Team heisst Michael herzlich willkommen und freut sich auf die Zusammenarbeit!